Clean Ducts

Will you answer the call?

Two people are sitting side by side at a small call centre. They’re calling people in Guelph and K-W but they aren’t anywhere near there. A hum of soft voices and ring tones sets a tonal backdrop you could lose your dreams in. 

“I started this job to help people.” 
*he clicks ‘no answer’*

“You know the service doesn’t really help. Air duct cleaning is kind of a scam.”
*she clicks ‘answering machine’*

“So why do we even work here?”
*he clicks ‘line busy’*

“Because when we called looking for jobs, the bosses didn’t hang up on us. They listened to us. And saw we are human beings with valuable things to offer… they gave us a chance.”
*she clicks ‘number not in service’*

“And look at us now, we’re… oh shit…”
*he reads script*
“Hello sir, I’m calling from Air Duct Cleaning Co. can I have a moment of you ti….: 
*he gets dial tone*
“They hung up on me.” 
*he clicks ‘no answer’*

“Hang in there buddy. I won’t hang up on you.”
*she clicks ‘answering machine’*

“I won’t hang up on you either.” 
*he and she hold hands*


The Funky Socks Guy


Fitted Sheets