God is in the Waiting Room
Zoom: where reality goes to die.
God is in the waiting room
Should we let ‘em through?
Disciples with house plants
In a zoom room so in
all our rooms too then.
Our face names foreground, but our focus is taken up,
displaced on background bookshelf displays
cascading caches of our tastes and our makeup.
And we're Praying for a shakeup.
So now that God's back round. what's God's background?
A cloud? Is it real or a virtual backdrop?
Whatever the cloud, it's right here and now.
This All-seeing cumulus screen seems like a real simple and clean shot.
Kinda like God's not…
A question:
would God even have a face to display then?
Or would God use some kind of snapcam cartoon replacement?
A potato head preacher with some place to take us?
And in God we may trust... but what’s God got back there?
Past the chair? Past the square?
Deep into internal layers…Deep into Eternal lairs...
Wall sticky with to dos, lists of unanswered prayers…
Any heaps of underwear God kicked out the frame?
What's God’s screen name?
Does it just say "God"? That's sus man.
Not as bad as if it said...God's Samsung Galaxy Note 10!
Does God ever get unstable connections?
Frozen and set in, posed mouth wide open,
An inset head with a headset, name set, to the left.
RoLL cALL! Who do we have next?
Ah YES. Looks like, Gahd? Gad? Jod?
Christ... Am I saying that right?
Any pronouns to share?
"Uh...Yes...Hello everyone... I'm God (here/there/everywhere).”
No With God there's no pictures no sounds,
no names or nouns mispronounced,
No, no background shroud shrine of book spines and trinkets.
No, God has no spreadsheets to link us.
No, no things that stare framed alive to the side,
the real story inside, instead we'll screen share…
next slide!
Slide again to the end, sly pretend "thanks guys."
As we End calls and hide, beyond that frame of mind,
and beyond this frame of mine.
And stay on time.
Like the frames we craft for online attention...
time is God's carefully curated connection.
And were all just pets in the next room looking for affection.
Barking at doom loomin in the outside world we'll soon all be back in.
Purrrrfection is people walking cross God's keys,
as God's conferencing cures for love, loss and grief
"You'll have to excuse me," Potato Head God pleads,
"my people know when I'm on a call it seems."
But in this zoomland we dream, a live catacomb of lights and praise.
Screen flicker Hands raised. Screen flicker Hands placed
slight Lean in on our chin in dim settings with bright attention!
Ready to mention, the remembered intention, in a chat laughing gas that lasts
one passing second. Of one night.
Feels right.
Let's get to it then...
Let's let God in.
Now Gods getting that message
that says it is best if
you get both your mic and your camera tested.
Next When you're set
then just click this direction
and wait a few seconds.
The curtains will open,
pulled slowly to let in,
puh-lenty expecting,
framed eyes of attention!
Wholeheart believin,
and ready to breathe in,
the careful secretions,
the wisdom and teaching,
we've always been seeking,
the secrets worth keeping.
The secrets God already knows.
Then GOD joins Audio.
God’s here. Let's go!
Bluetooth on,
device connected.
New truth psalm,
our lives directed.
Good news bomb,
it’s all expected.
Resurrected in the name of:
Holy Spirit, Father, Son…
Shoot background foreground from now on!
Reality out of the screen!
Move our hearts with gospel truth.
Paths key-framed and absolute.
Over to you God, shoot…
Shoot God...shoot…
Go ahead God... shoot...
Oh uh... sorry there God,
I think you're on mute.